Publications and talks
- 2024: ``D. G. Rossetti’s Trip to Paris and Belgium: A Journey Between Past and Present'', Cahiers Victoriens et Édouardiens, 99 | Spring 2024; online
- 2023: ``Dramatic Autobiographies: the Poetic Voice Recreating Itself in Dante Gabriel Rossetti's `The Bride's Prelude''', Cahiers Victoriens et Édouardiens, 98 | Autumn 2023; online.
- 2022: ``Centralité de la marge: utilisation politique de la périphérie dans la poésie de Dante Gabriel Rossetti'', Poli-Femo, 23 | 2022, p. 29-45.
- 2022: "The Pre-Raphaelite city and the trap of modernity", Angles, 15 | 2022; online.
- 2022: "Rétablir l'écart. L'anormal et l'anomal dans la peinture rossettienne et préraphaélite", Motifs, 5 | 2022; online.
- 2018: "'Ut Vita Poesis' : La représentation de la vie par Dante Gabriel Rossetti", in La Littérature et la Vie, ed. Christophe Ippolito, Paris, Classiques Garnier, p. 237-252.
- 2014: "The Languages of Dante Gabriel Rossetti", The Review of the Pre-Raphaelite Society, vol. XXII, n. 2, Summer 2014, p. 57-61
- 2023: "Castle, Hutton, and the Pre-Raphaelite medievalists: rediscovery and use of medieval and Renaissance martial arts in the Victorian era", Victorian and Edwardian studies workshop, 62nd SAES Congress, Université Rennes 2, June 1-3
- 2023: "Imitation du geste, reproduction de l’art: représentation, geste martial, et connaissance chez les Pre-Raphaélites" ("Imitating movement, reproducing art: representation, martial movement, and knowledge"), A.R.T.S. workshop, 62nd SAES Congress, Université Rennes 2, June 1-3
- 2023: "D .G. Rossetti’s Trip to Paris and Belgium: A Journey Between Past and Present", international conference "Hitting the Road! Expériences et récits de voyageurs à l'époque victorienne et édouardienne" ("Travel writing and travel experiences in the Victorian and Edwardian era"), Université de Tours/SFEVE, February 2-3
- 2022: "A Rift at the Edge of Times: The Pre-Raphaelites' Political Faultline", Victorian and Edwardian studies workshop, 61st SAES Congress, Université de Clermont-Auvergne, June 2-4
- 2022: "William Michael Rossetti's `Greek Sonnets': Revolt through time and space", international conference "Greece in Victorian Culture", National and Kapodistrian University of Athens/Revicto program, April 08-09
- 2022: "The Politics of Ornament: the interior as building block of a political project", SFEVE (French Society for Victorian and Edwardian Studies) annual international conference -- "Victorian and Edwardian Interiors", Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès, January 27-28
- 2021: "Du cadre à la marge: vacillements du regard dans l'art préraphaélite" ("From the frame to the margin: Pre-Raphaelite challenges to the Victorian gaze"), international conference "Framing/Unframing spaces in the English-speaking world", Université de Strasbourg, October 15-16
- 2021: ''Renouveler l'Ancien: persistances altermodernes de la Renaissance dans l'art préraphaélite" ("Renewing the Old world: altermodern traces of the Renaissance in Pre-Raphaelite art"), A.R.T.S. workshop, 60th SAES Congress, June 3-4
- 2021: presentation of research and dissertation for the annual internal symposium, Research Center VALE, Sorbonne Université
- 2020: "Nuit de la modernité et jour antimoderne chez les Préraphaélites" ("Modern night and antimodern day in Pre-Raphaelite painting and poetry"), OVALE Graduate research team's seminar, Sorbonne Université
- 2019: "Nature, technique et science : machine primitiviste et altermodernité des Préraphaélites" ("Nature, technique, science: the primitive machine and the Pre-Raphaelite altermodernity"), OVALE Graduate research team's seminar, Sorbonne Université
- 2018: "'Monsieur Rossetti n’est jamais vulgaire !' : corps et vulgarité chez Dante Gabriel Rossetti et les Préraphaélites" ("'Mister Rossetti is never vulgar!': body and vulgarity in the work of D. G. Rossetti and the Pre-Raphaelites"), OVALE Graduate research team's seminar, Sorbonne Université
- 2013: "The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and Countermodernity", Seminar Night, Downing College, Cambridge University.
- 2016: "Du combat à la pique ou à la lance en un contre un", from Achille Marozzo's Opera Nova, livre IV, chapitre 182 (1535);
- 2016: "Thrasher: comment la Bible du skate est devenue hype – I. To be cool or not to be.", article by Willy Staley, The California Sunday Magazine;
- 2016: "Ma famille a quitté la Californie pour Téhéran en 1979", article by Neda Semmani, The Baffler n. 29;
- 2015: "Dans les tunnels de Nogales", article by Adam Higginbotham, Bloomberg Businessweek;
- 2012: "La formation à la préservation: une priorité pour la Bibliothèque nationale de France; deux exemples de formations réussies", talk by Philippe Vallas, 78th IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations) symposium, Helsinki, August 11-17, 2012;